Linkuri utile
Meci 1 2 mai multe data - MIBR 6207
1.71 2.06 +3 30.11. 05:00
Furia eSports - GamerLegion 6210
1.44 2.65 +3 30.11. 05:00
Liquid - Cloud9 6216
1.56 2.32 +3 30.11. 06:00
Complexity - FlyQuest 6227
1.41 2.75 +3 30.11. 06:00
Fnatic - Wildcard Gaming 6220
1.61 2.23 +4 30.11. 07:00
BIG - Passion UA 6222
1.64 2.16 +3 30.11. 07:00
paiN Gaming - Imperial 6225
1.53 2.39 +2 30.11. 08:00
The MongolZ - Rare Atom 6226
1.18 4.40 +3 30.11. 08:00
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
NRG - InControl 4862
1.02 9.38 30.11. 01:00
BOSS - Mythic 4869
1.09 5.90 30.11. 01:00
vagrants - Akimbo 10050
2.33 1.52 30.11. 01:00
Party Astronauts - Undone 3216
1.34 2.94 01.12. 01:00
Castigator Castigator data
ZywOo 8624
4.50 30.11. 06:00
m0NESY 8639
4.50 30.11. 06:00
donk 8642
6.50 30.11. 06:00
jL 8646
7.50 30.11. 06:00
b1t 8649
9.50 30.11. 06:00
frozen 8692
11.00 30.11. 06:00
iM 8735
14.00 30.11. 06:00
xertioN 8749
15.00 30.11. 06:00
NiKo 8751
17.00 30.11. 06:00
w0nderful 8753
17.00 30.11. 06:00
sh1ro 8755
19.00 30.11. 06:00
Nertz 8764
19.00 30.11. 06:00
Spinx 8766
21.00 30.11. 06:00
ropz 8781
21.00 30.11. 06:00
Jimpphat 8791
26.00 30.11. 06:00
malbsMd 8826
26.00 30.11. 06:00
26.00 30.11. 06:00
broky 8838
34.00 30.11. 06:00
Senzu 8839
34.00 30.11. 06:00
flameZ 8852
41.00 30.11. 06:00
electroNic 8853
41.00 30.11. 06:00
torzsi 8861
51.00 30.11. 06:00
Twistzz 8862
67.00 30.11. 06:00
Maka 8864
67.00 30.11. 06:00
ultimate 9268
69.00 30.11. 06:00
siuhy 9277
69.00 30.11. 06:00
Snax 9281
69.00 30.11. 06:00
huNter- 8870
81.00 30.11. 06:00
Brollan 8871
81.00 30.11. 06:00
matys 8875
420.00 30.11. 06:00
volt 9260
420.00 30.11. 06:00
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
FaZe - Spirit 9821
1.98 1.72 30.11. 05:00
G2 - Vitality 9847
1.88 1.80 30.11. 05:00
MOUZ - Spirit 9857
1.80 1.88 30.11. 05:00
Natus Vincere - G2 9858
1.80 1.88 30.11. 05:00
Vitality - MOUZ 12152
1.75 1.94 30.11. 05:00
Natus Vincere - Vitality 12177
1.70 2.01 30.11. 05:00
GamerLegion - FlyQuest 12191
1.84 1.84 30.11. 05:00
Fnatic - Passion UA 12199
1.84 1.84 30.11. 05:00
BIG - Cloud9 12201
1.84 1.84 30.11. 05:00
Complexity - paiN Gaming 12204
1.84 1.84 30.11. 05:00 - Liquid 12205
1.84 1.84 30.11. 05:00
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
Imperial Fe - MIBR Fe 3356
1.02 9.38 29.11. 19:00
Fluxo Demons - FURIA Fe 3372
3.21 1.29 29.11. 22:00
Castigator Castigator data
Natus Vincere 7125
3.80 30.11. 05:00
G2 7163
4.00 30.11. 05:00
Vitality 7169
5.50 30.11. 05:00
MOUZ 7170
6.50 30.11. 05:00
Spirit 7195
7.50 30.11. 05:00
FaZe 7198
9.00 30.11. 05:00
Heroic 7199
15.00 30.11. 05:00
The MongolZ 7200
15.00 30.11. 05:00
3DMAX 7201
25.00 30.11. 05:00
Furia eSports 7202
25.00 30.11. 05:00 7203
35.00 30.11. 05:00
Liquid 7207
35.00 30.11. 05:00
Complexity 7211
40.00 30.11. 05:00
paiN Gaming 7217
40.00 30.11. 05:00
BIG 7226
50.00 30.11. 05:00
Cloud9 7233
50.00 30.11. 05:00
MIBR 7234
65.00 30.11. 05:00
Fnatic 7239
100.00 30.11. 05:00
Passion UA 7240
100.00 30.11. 05:00
Imperial 7249
150.00 30.11. 05:00
GamerLegion 7250
250.00 30.11. 05:00
FlyQuest 7252
250.00 30.11. 05:00
Wildcard Gaming 7253
500.00 30.11. 05:00
Rare Atom 7257
1 000.00 30.11. 05:00
Meci 1 2 mai multe data
ODDIK - Velox 1788
1.03 8.40 +5 28.11. 22:30
Hype - Players 1750
1.53 2.30 +6 29.11. 01:30
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
MIBR Academy - Players 11687
2.06 1.53 29.11. 00:00
Galorys Academy - RED Canids Academy 10260
2.65 1.41 29.11. 21:00
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
sEight - NightRaid 9956
2.26 1.55 29.11. 08:00
NightRaid - sEight 9976
1.55 2.26 29.11. 10:00
Purple haze - Gameinside 10474
2.08 1.65 29.11. 12:00
Gameinside - Purple haze 10491
1.65 2.08 29.11. 14:00
Meci Pariaza pe castigatoare 1 2 data
Spirit Academy - FLuffy Gangsters 3213
1.23 3.65 29.11. 17:00